Approval of an Agreement Between the City of Lewisville and Halff Associates, Inc., for Landscape Architecture and Engineering Design Services for the Vista Ridge Park and Vista Ridge Amphitheater Project in the amount of $519,500; and Authorization for the City Manager, or Her Designee, to Execute the Agreement.
The scope of the proposed agreement includes schematic design for Vista Ridge Park and construction design for phase one of the Vista Ridge Amphitheater along Lake Vista Drive in South Lewisville. The agreement also includes hydraulic analysis, construction administration, environmental requests, and bidding services. Halff will require eight (8) months for design and estimates five (5) months for construction oversight of the amphitheater site. Once complete, the City will work to identify a partner to assist with development of the ultimate vision of the amphitheater. The schematic design for the park will be used by the Lewisville Park Alliance for fundraising efforts for the playground included in the project, as well as to determine if construction will need to be achieved in phases. The project will be funded through Bond 2024 proceeds.
That the City Council approve the agreement and authorize the City Manager, or her designee, to execute the agreement as set forth in the caption above.