Consideration of an Alternative Standard Associated With Screening Requirements for a Commercial Amusement Facility (Outdoor) on Approximately 3.175-Acres, out of the S.M. Hayden Survey, Abstract Number 537, Zoned Light Industrial (LI) District, Located on the East Side of Barfknecht Lane, Approximately 1,540 Feet South of Midway Road, as Requested by Ronald Wygal, Endurance Development, on Behalf of Pathfinder Sports LLC, the Property Owner. (23-07-9-ALTSTD)
The City Council approved a special use permit for a cricket sports facility on September 18, 2023. The applicant planned to meet the Unified Development Code screening requirements for portions of the development that are adjacent to an existing single-family home. To meet the request of the adjacent property owner, the applicant proposes an alternative standard to replace the required six-foot (6’) masonry screening wall with an eight-foot (8’) board-on-board capped fence with steel fence posts facing the indoor cricket facility, to reduce the required landscape buffer adjacent to the entry drive by 50%, and to eliminate the required street trees along the northern portion of the property. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended unanimous approval (6-0) on January 16, 2024.
That the City Council approve the alternative standard as set forth in the caption above.
Richard E. Luedke, AICP, Planning Director