Consideration of Three Alternative Standards Associated With Building and Envelope Standards, Landscape Standards and Architectural Standards for a Commercial Development; on 0.181 Acres Out of the E. Aday Survey, Abstract Number 11, Located at 1181 South Stemmons Freeway; Zoned General Business (GB) District, as Requested by Andrew Yu, of Triangle Engineering LLC, on Behalf of Micheal Shea, of MDS Capital LLC, the Applicant. (23-08-10-ALTSTD)
MDS Capital proposes to develop a new commercial property at 1181 S. Stemmons, which previously housed a Waffle House restaurant prior to the IH-35E right-of-way acquisition. The following alternative standards are requested: a) to allow the building facade to be placed perpendicular to the public street; b) to allow a parking lot along the IH-35E Frontage Road with a 10-foot landscape buffer in lieu of the required 20-foot buffer; and c) to allow the building facade to be 48% brick or stone on the north side, 75% on the west side and 70% on the south side in lieu of the required 80%. The Overlay District Board recommended unanimous approval (7-0) on November 7, 2023.
That the City Council approve the three alternative standards as set forth in the caption above.
Richard E. Luedke, AICP, Planning Director