File #: 25-3945    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Regular Hearing
File created: 2/13/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/3/2025 Final action:
Title: Consideration of an Ordinance of the Lewisville City Council, Amending the Lewisville City Code by Amending Division 4, Short-Term Rental Units, of Article VI, Chapter 4 to add Subsection 4-201(a-1) Providing a Maximum Number of Short-Term Rental ("STR") Unit Permits That may be Active at any Given Time, add Subsection 4-201(b-1) Providing Closure of the STR Unit Permit Application Process and Priority of Applications, and Amend Subsection 4-201(c) Providing for the Implementation of Said Maximum Number of STR Unit Permits; Providing a Repealer, Severability, and an Effective Date; and Declaring an Emergency.
Attachments: 1. Staff Memo - 2025.03.pdf, 2. Ordinance - STR permit limit - 2025.02.pdf
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Consideration of an Ordinance of the Lewisville City Council, Amending the Lewisville City Code by Amending Division 4, Short-Term Rental Units, of Article VI, Chapter 4 to add Subsection 4-201(a-1) Providing a Maximum Number of Short-Term Rental (“STR”) Unit Permits That may be Active at any Given Time, add Subsection 4-201(b-1) Providing Closure of the STR Unit Permit Application Process and Priority of Applications, and Amend Subsection 4-201(c) Providing for the Implementation of Said Maximum Number of STR Unit Permits; Providing a Repealer, Severability, and an Effective Date; and Declaring an Emergency.





Staff is proposing new regulations aligned with the 2025 Vision Plan, aiming to protect the character of established residential neighborhoods while ensuring health and safety. The proposed regulations include setting a maximum limit on active Short-Term Rental (“STR”) unit permits to maintain a balanced growth rate and prevent an oversaturation that could alter neighborhood identity. The maximum number of active STR permits would be set at 130 in 2025, representing approximately 0.5% of all residential parcels in Lewisville.




That the City Council approve the ordinance as set forth in the caption above.