Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/3/2025 5:45 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Lewisville City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
Attachments: Agenda Packet
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-3957 1A. WorkshopDiscussion of Consent and Regular Agenda Items   Not available Not available
25-3960 1B. Agenda ItemDCTA Update   Not available Not available
25-3963 1C. WorkshopDiscussion on Economic Outlook: Trends, Demographics, and Budget Insights   Not available Not available
25-3942 11. Agenda ItemPresentation of the Achievement of Excellence in Libraries Award   Not available Not available
25-3955 11. Agenda ItemPublic Hearing: Consideration of an Ordinance Amending Volume II of the Lewisville City Code, Known as the Unified Development Code by Amending Article III, “Development and Zoning Procedures” Chapter 5 - Plats, by Granting the Planning Director the Authority to Approve, Approve With Conditions, or Disapprove Plats.   Not available Not available
25-3959 12. MinutesAPPROVAL OF MINUTES: City Council Minutes of the February 17, 2025, Workshop Session, and Regular Session.   Not available Not available
25-3956 13. ResolutionApproval of a Resolution Authorizing Contracts for Joint Election Services with Denton and Dallas Counties; and Authorizing the Mayor, City Manager, or Her Designee, to Execute Said Contracts.   Not available Not available
25-3948 14. Agenda ItemConsideration of Two Alternative Standards Associated With Outdoor Storage Standards and Screening Standards for Walmart; on 18.613 Acres, Located at 801 West Main Street, Legally Described as Valley Ridge Business Park West Addition, Lot 3-R1-A, Block C; Zoned General Business (GB) District, as Requested by Ian Bright, of Wing LLC, on Behalf of the Owner, Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust (24-11-15-AltStd)   Not available Not available
25-3945 15. OrdinanceConsideration of an Ordinance of the Lewisville City Council, Amending the Lewisville City Code by Amending Division 4, Short-Term Rental Units, of Article VI, Chapter 4 to add Subsection 4-201(a-1) Providing a Maximum Number of Short-Term Rental (“STR”) Unit Permits That may be Active at any Given Time, add Subsection 4-201(b-1) Providing Closure of the STR Unit Permit Application Process and Priority of Applications, and Amend Subsection 4-201(c) Providing for the Implementation of Said Maximum Number of STR Unit Permits; Providing a Repealer, Severability, and an Effective Date; and Declaring an Emergency.   Not available Not available
25-3958 11. Agenda ItemCity Council and Staff Reports   Not available Not available